每年暑假,向日葵为秋季将入读学前班至六年级的小朋友开设全天夏令营 (周一至周五9:00am至6:00pm),夏令营按周报名 ,每周活动丰富多彩,每日安排紧凑有趣,并供热腾腾美味可口的营养午餐和上下午点心。每周五更有精彩的特别活动,如魔术表演,公园野餐,或Field trip等等。
How to Register:
1. Download the registration form, submit the completed form via email:
info@SunflowerLearningCenter.com, or hand in the completed form to the office in person.
2. Submit the full payment via Zelle: info@SunflowerLearningCenter.com, or make a check payable to: Sunflower Learning Center. (*Please note your child’s full name on Zelle payment or check.)
3. We’ll send you a confirmation email within 3 business days once both registration form and payment are received.
4. New parents are welcome to join Sunflower WeChat for more convenient communication. You may scan QR code below to join.